The Double H Showcase is a show choir competition hosted by our school on Saturday, February 22nd, 2014. We are in need of many student and adult helpers including homeroom monitors for the event.
Since many of our parents are working concessions, ticket taking & other shifts we are in danger of not have enough room monitors for the entire day.
Please recruit people and sign-up for a shift if you can help. Homeroom monitors only need to be adults--over 21--and able to sit in a room for four hours, and be responsible for watching the room. That is all it takes. If you are under 21 and would like to help you may contact Bryant Downey at to volunteer for a concession shift.
The site to sign up for any other helper (like homeroom monitor, parking, security, etc) is and search for "”
Thanks for all you do--and are going to do for our students in the choral music department.